Supported SVG and CSS features
Librsvg tries to be a mostly complete renderer for `SVG1.1
`_ and `SVG2
In terms of processing external references, librsvg is a bit more
strict than SVG’s “static mode” and a bit more lenient than “secure
static mode”. See "`Security and locations of referenced files
in the reference documentation for details.
Animation, interactivity, and scripting are not supported.
The SVG1.2 specification never made it past draft status in the W3C’s
process, and librsvg does not support it. Note that SVG2 removed some of
the features proposed for SVG1.2.
Generally, librsvg tries to keep up with features in the SVG2 Candidate
Recommendation spec. It ignores features in the SVG2 drafts that are not
finalized yet.
Alternative versions of SVG (SVG Tiny, SVG Basic, :issue:`SVG Native
<689>`) are not explicitly supported. Their features which are a subset
of SVG1.1 or SVG2 are supported if they are equivalent to the ones
listed below.
SVG2 offloads many of its features to the family of CSS3 specifications.
Librsvg does not try to support them exhaustively (there are too many
features in CSS!). Instead, we try to prioritize new features based on
the needs which people express in librsvg’s bug tracker. Do you want a
feature? `File an
issue `__!
Supported raster image formats
The ``image`` and ``feImage`` elements allow including an external
file as raster data. Librsvg supports loading JPEG, PNG, GIF, and
WEBP. Librsvg can optionally be compiled with support for AVIF, too;
see the "Compile-time options" section in :doc:`compiling` for details.
Attributes supported by all elements
| Attribute | Notes |
| class | |
| id | |
| requiredExtensions | Used in children of the |
| | ``switch`` element. |
| requiredFeatures | Used in children of the |
| | ``switch`` element. |
| systemLanguage | Used in children of the |
| | ``switch`` element. |
| style | |
| transform | The ``transform`` attribute has a |
| | different syntax than the CSS |
| | ``transform`` property. |
| xml:lang | |
| xml:space | |
.. _elements:
Elements and their specific attributes
| Element | Attributes | Notes |
| a | | |
| | xlink:href | Needs xlink namespace |
| | href | SVG2 |
| circle | | |
| | cx | |
| | cy | |
| | r | |
| clipPath | | |
| | clipPathUnits | |
| defs | | |
| ellipse | | |
| | cx | |
| | cy | |
| | rx | |
| | ry | |
| feBlend | | See :ref:`filter_effects` |
| | in | |
| | in2 | |
| | mode | |
| feColorMatrix | | See :ref:`filter_effects` |
| | in | |
| | type | |
| | values | |
| feComponentTransfer | | See :ref:`filter_effects` |
| | in | |
| feComposite | | See :ref:`filter_effects` |
| | in | |
| | in2 | |
| | operator | |
| | k1 | |
| | k2 | |
| | k3 | |
| | k4 | |
| feConvolveMatrix | | See :ref:`filter_effects` |
| | in | |
| | order | |
| | divisor | |
| | bias | |
| | targetX | |
| | targetY | |
| | edgeMode | |
| | kernelMatrix | |
| | kernelUnitLength | |
| | preserveAlpha | |
| feDiffuseLighting | | See :ref:`filter_effects` |
| | in | |
| | surfaceScale | |
| | kernelUnitLength | |
| | diffuseConstant | |
| feDisplacementMap | | See :ref:`filter_effects` |
| | in | |
| | in2 | |
| | scale | |
| | xChannelSelector | |
| | yChannelSelector | |
| feDistantLight | | |
| | azimuth | |
| | elevation | |
| feDropShadow | | See :ref:`filter_effects` |
| | | |
| | | Also takes the |
| | | flood-color and |
| | | flood-opacity |
| | | properties. |
| | in | |
| | dx | |
| | dy | |
| | stdDeviation | |
| feFuncA | | See |
| | | :ref:`feComponentTransfer` |
| feFuncB | | See |
| | | :ref:`feComponentTransfer` |
| feFuncG | | See |
| | | :ref:`feComponentTransfer` |
| feFuncR | | See |
| | | :ref:`feComponentTransfer` |
| feFlood | | See :ref:`filter_effects` |
| | | Parameters come from |
| | | the flood-color and |
| | | flood-opacity |
| | | properties. |
| feGaussianBlur | | See :ref:`filter_effects` |
| | in | |
| | stdDeviation | |
| feImage | | See :ref:`filter_effects` |
| | xlink:href | Needs xlink namespace |
| | href | SVG2 |
| | path | Non-standard; used by |
| | | old Adobe Illustrator |
| | | versions. |
| | preserveAspectRatio | |
| feMerge | | See :ref:`filter_effects` |
| feMergeNode | | |
| | in | |
| feMorphology | | See :ref:`filter_effects` |
| | in | |
| | operator | |
| | radius | |
| feOffset | | See :ref:`filter_effects` |
| | in | |
| | dx | |
| | dy | |
| fePointLight | | |
| | x | |
| | y | |
| | z | |
| feSpecularLighting | | See :ref:`filter_effects` |
| | in | |
| | surfaceScale | |
| | kernelUnitLength | |
| | specularConstant | |
| | specularExponent | |
| feSpotLight | | |
| | x | |
| | y | |
| | z | |
| | pointsAtX | |
| | pointsAtY | |
| | pointsAtZ | |
| | specularExponent | |
| | limitingConeAngle | |
| feTile | | See :ref:`filter_effects` |
| | in | |
| feTurbulence | | See :ref:`filter_effects` |
| | baseFrequency | |
| | numOctaves | |
| | seed | |
| | stitchTiles | |
| | type | |
| filter | | |
| | filterUnits | |
| | primitiveUnits | |
| | x | |
| | y | |
| | width | |
| | height | |
| g | | |
| image | | |
| | xlink:href | Needs xlink namespace |
| | href | SVG2 |
| | path | Non-standard; used by |
| | | old Adobe Illustrator |
| | | versions. |
| | x | |
| | y | |
| | width | |
| | height | |
| | preserveAspectRatio | |
| line | | |
| | x1 | |
| | y1 | |
| | x2 | |
| | y2 | |
| linearGradient | | |
| | gradientUnits | |
| | gradientTransform | |
| | spreadMethod | |
| | x1 | |
| | y1 | |
| | x2 | |
| | y2 | |
| marker | | |
| | markerUnits | |
| | refX | |
| | refY | |
| | markerWidth | |
| | markerHeight | |
| | orient | |
| | preserveAspectRatio | |
| | viewBox | |
| mask | | |
| | x | |
| | y | |
| | width | |
| | height | |
| | maskUnits | |
| | maskContentUnits | |
| path | | |
| | d | |
| pattern | | |
| | xlink:href | Needs xlink namespace |
| | href | SVG2 |
| | patternUnits | |
| | patternContentUnits | |
| | patternTransform | |
| | preserveAspectRatio | |
| | viewBox | |
| | x | |
| | y | |
| | width | |
| | height | |
| polygon | | |
| | points | |
| polyline | | |
| | points | |
| radialGradient | | |
| | gradientUnits | |
| | gradientTransform | |
| | spreadMethod | |
| | cx | |
| | cy | |
| | r | |
| | fx | |
| | fx | |
| | fr | |
| rect | | |
| | x | |
| | y | |
| | width | |
| | height | |
| | rx | |
| | ry | |
| stop | | |
| | offset | |
| style | | |
| | type | |
| svg | | |
| | x | |
| | y | |
| | width | |
| | height | |
| | viewBox | |
| | preserveAspectRatio | |
| switch | | |
| symbol | | |
| | preserveAspectRatio | |
| | viewBox | |
| text | | |
| | x | |
| | y | |
| | dx | |
| | dy | |
| tref | | |
| | xlink:href | Needs xlink namespace |
| tspan | | |
| | x | |
| | y | |
| | dx | |
| | dy | |
| use | | |
| | xlink:href | Needs xlink namespace |
| | href | SVG2 |
| | x | |
| | y | |
| | width | |
| | height | |
CSS properties
The following are shorthand properties. They are not available as
presentation attributes, only as style properties, so for example you
have to use ````, since there is no
``marker`` attribute.
| Property | Notes |
| font | |
| glyph-orientation-vertical | Supports only CSS Writing Modes 3 values: auto, 0, 90, 0deg, 90deg |
| marker | |
The following are longhand properties. Most of them are available as
presentation attributes, e.g. you can use ```` as
well as ````. The Notes column indicates
which properties are not available as presentation attributes.
| Property | Notes |
| baseline-shift | |
| clip-path | |
| clip-rule | |
| color | |
| color- | |
| interpolation-filters | |
| direction | |
| display | |
| enable-background | |
| fill | |
| fill-opacity | |
| fill-rule | |
| filter | |
| flood-color | |
| flood-opacity | |
| font-family | |
| font-size | |
| font-stretch | |
| font-style | |
| font-variant | |
| font-weight | |
| image-rendering | |
| isolation | Not available as a presentation attribute. |
| letter-spacing | |
| lighting-color | |
| line-height | Not available as a presentation attribute. |
| marker-end | |
| marker-mid | |
| marker-start | |
| mask | |
| mask-type | |
| mix-blend-mode | Not available as a presentation attribute. |
| opacity | |
| overflow | |
| paint-order | |
| shape-rendering | |
| stop-color | |
| stop-opacity | |
| stroke | |
| stroke-dasharray | |
| stroke-dashoffset | |
| stroke-linecap | |
| stroke-linejoin | |
| stroke-miterlimit | |
| stroke-opacity | |
| stroke-width | |
| text-anchor | |
| text-decoration | |
| text-orientation | Not available as a presentation attribute. |
| text-rendering | |
| transform | SVG2; different syntax from the |
| | ``transform`` attribute. |
| unicode-bidi | |
| vector-effect | Only ``non-scaling-stroke`` is supported for |
| | paths. |
| visibility | |
| writing-mode | |
.. _filter_effects:
Filter effects
The following elements are filter effects:
- feBlend
- feColorMatrix
- feComponentTransfer
- feComposite
- feConvolveMatrix
- feDiffuseLighting
- feDisplacementMap
- feDropShadow
- feFlood
- feGaussianBlur
- feImage
- feMerge
- feMorphology
- feOffset
- feSpecularLighting
- feTile
- feTurbulence
All of those elements for filter effects support these attributes:
| Attribute | Notes |
| x | |
| y | |
| width | |
| height | |
| result | |
Some filter effect elements take one input in the ``in`` attribute, and
some others take two inputs in the ``in``, ``in2`` attributes. See the
:ref:`table of elements ` above for details.
.. _feComponentTransfer:
Filter effect feComponentTransfer
The ``feComponentTransfer`` element can contain children ``feFuncA``,
``feFuncR``, ``feFuncG``, ``feFuncB``, and those all support these
=========== =====
Attribute Notes
=========== =====
=========== =====
CSS features
| Pseudo-class | Notes |
| :link | |
| :visited | Because librsvg does not maintain |
| | browser history, this is parsed, |
| | but never matches |
| :lang() | |
| :not() | [1]_ |
| :first-child | [1]_ |
| :last-child | [1]_ |
| :only-child | [1]_ |
| :root | [1]_ |
| :empty | [1]_ |
| :nth-child() | [1]_ |
| :nth-last-child() | [1]_ |
| :nth-of-type() | [1]_ |
| :nth-last-of-type() | [1]_ |
| :first-of-type | [1]_ |
| :last-of-type | [1]_ |
| :only-of-type | [1]_ |
FIXME: which selectors, combinators, at-rules.
XML features
Librsvg supports the following subset of `XML Inclusions (XInclude) `_.
A document or element may declare the namespace for
````, conventionally as an attribute
The following discussion assumes an ``xi:`` shorthand; your namespace
declaration may use a different one, but ``xi:`` is conventional for
The following are examples of valid inclusions:
.. code-block:: xml
Text to be included if foo.txt cannot be read.
For the ``xi:include`` element, the ``href`` attribute is mandatory,
and ``parse`` and ``encoding`` are optional:
* ``href`` - mandatory for librsvg. This is **different from the
XInclude specification**: the attribute is mandatory in librsvg,
while the spec assumes that if it is not present, then an
``xpointer`` or ``fragid`` attributes are used instead. Librsvg
does not support those. If there is no ``href`` attribute, librsvg
will ignore the whole ``xi:include`` element.
* ``parse`` - optional; supported values are ``xml`` and ``text``; the
default is ``xml``.
* ``encoding`` - optional; only used for including text files with
``parse="text"``. The value should be a `WHATWG label for an
encoding `_,
for example, ``utf-8`` or ``koi8-r``.
Inside ````, there can be an ```` element to
specify what should be included if the ``href`` cannot be read.
``xml:lang`` and ``xml:space``
Individual elements can specify an `xml:lang attribute
`_ to specify their language.
This can be used in a ```` element for the main language of its
content, or generally for the purposes of CSS selector matching. Note
that this is different from the use of ``systemLanguage`` in children
of the ```` element, which is used to `render different
elements depending on the system's language
Librsvg supports the `xml:space attribute
`_ and its handling per
SVG1.1. Note that this has been superseded in SVG2 with CSS
whitespace handling; librsvg does not support this yet as of
Explicitly Unsupported features
- ``flowRoot`` element and its children - Inkscape, SVG 1.2 only.
- ``glyph-orientation-horizontal`` property - SVG1.1 only, removed in
- The pseudo-classes ``:is()`` and ``:where()`` are part of Selectors
Level 4, which is still a working draft.
.. [1]
These structural pseudo-classes are implemented in rust-selectors,
which librsvg uses.