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//! Tree nodes, the representation of SVG elements.
//! Librsvg uses the [rctree crate][rctree] to represent the SVG tree of elements.
//! Its [`rctree::Node`] struct provides a generic wrapper over nodes in a tree.
//! Librsvg puts a [`NodeData`] as the type parameter of [`rctree::Node`]. For convenience,
//! librsvg has a type alias [`Node`]` = rctree::Node<NodeData>`.
//! Nodes are not constructed directly by callers;
use markup5ever::QualName;
use std::cell::{Ref, RefMut};
use std::fmt;
use std::rc::Rc;
use crate::bbox::BoundingBox;
use crate::document::AcquiredNodes;
use crate::drawing_ctx::{DrawingCtx, Viewport};
use crate::element::*;
use crate::error::*;
use crate::paint_server::PaintSource;
use crate::properties::ComputedValues;
use crate::rsvg_log;
use crate::session::Session;
use crate::text::Chars;
use crate::xml::Attributes;
/// Strong reference to an element in the SVG tree.
/// See the [module documentation][self] for more information.
pub type Node = rctree::Node<NodeData>;
/// Weak reference to an element in the SVG tree.
pub type WeakNode = rctree::WeakNode<NodeData>;
/// Data for a single DOM node.
/// ## Memory consumption
/// SVG files look like this, roughly:
/// ```xml
/// <svg>
/// <rect x="10" y="20"/>
/// <path d="..."/>
/// <text x="10" y="20">Hello</text>
/// <!-- etc -->
/// </svg>
/// ```
/// Each element has a bunch of data, including the styles, which is
/// the biggest consumer of memory within the `Element` struct. But
/// between each element there is a text node; in the example above
/// there are a bunch of text nodes with just whitespace (newlines and
/// spaces), and a single text node with "`Hello`" in it from the
/// `<text>` element.
/// ## Accessing the node's contents
/// Code that traverses the DOM tree needs to find out at runtime what
/// each node stands for. First, use the `is_chars` or `is_element`
/// methods from the `NodeBorrow` trait to see if you can then call
/// `borrow_chars`, `borrow_element`, or `borrow_element_mut`.
pub enum NodeData {
impl NodeData {
pub fn new_element(session: &Session, name: &QualName, attrs: Attributes) -> NodeData {
NodeData::Element(Box::new(Element::new(session, name, attrs)))
pub fn new_chars(initial_text: &str) -> NodeData {
impl fmt::Display for NodeData {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
match *self {
NodeData::Element(ref e) => {
write!(f, "{e}")?;
NodeData::Text(_) => {
write!(f, "Chars")?;
/// Can obtain computed values from a node
/// In our tree of SVG elements (Node in our parlance), each node stores a `ComputedValues` that
/// gets computed during the initial CSS cascade. However, sometimes nodes need to be rendered
/// outside the normal hierarchy. For example, the `<use>` element can "instance" a subtree from
/// elsewhere in the SVG; it causes the instanced subtree to re-cascade from the computed values for
/// the `<use>` element.
/// You can then call the `get()` method on the resulting `CascadedValues` to get a
/// `&ComputedValues` whose fields you can access.
pub struct CascadedValues<'a> {
inner: CascadedInner<'a>,
pub context_stroke: Option<Rc<PaintSource>>,
pub context_fill: Option<Rc<PaintSource>>,
enum CascadedInner<'a> {
FromNode(Ref<'a, Element>),
impl<'a> CascadedValues<'a> {
/// Creates a `CascadedValues` that has the same cascading mode as &self
/// This is what nodes should normally use to draw their children from their `draw()` method.
/// Nodes that need to override the cascade for their children can use `new_from_values()`
/// instead.
pub fn clone_with_node(&self, node: &'a Node) -> CascadedValues<'a> {
match self.inner {
CascadedInner::FromNode(_) => CascadedValues {
inner: CascadedInner::FromNode(node.borrow_element()),
context_fill: self.context_fill.clone(),
context_stroke: self.context_stroke.clone(),
CascadedInner::FromValues(ref v) => CascadedValues::new_from_values(
/// Creates a `CascadedValues` that will hold the `node`'s computed values
/// This is to be used only in the toplevel drawing function, or in elements like `<marker>`
/// that don't propagate their parent's cascade to their children. All others should use
/// `new()` to derive the cascade from an existing one.
pub fn new_from_node(node: &Node) -> CascadedValues<'_> {
CascadedValues {
context_fill: None,
context_stroke: None,
/// Creates a `CascadedValues` that will override the `node`'s cascade with the specified
/// `values`
/// This is for the `<use>` element, which draws the element which it references with the
/// `<use>`'s own cascade, not with the element's original cascade.
pub fn new_from_values(
node: &'a Node,
values: &ComputedValues,
fill: Option<Rc<PaintSource>>,
stroke: Option<Rc<PaintSource>>,
) -> CascadedValues<'a> {
let mut v = Box::new(values.clone());
.to_computed_values(&mut v);
inner: CascadedInner::FromValues(v),
context_fill: fill,
context_stroke: stroke,
/// Returns the cascaded `ComputedValues`.
/// Nodes should use this from their `Draw::draw()` implementation to get the
/// `ComputedValues` from the `CascadedValues` that got passed to `draw()`.
pub fn get(&'a self) -> &'a ComputedValues {
CascadedInner::FromNode(ref e) => e.get_computed_values(),
CascadedInner::FromValues(ref v) => v,
// if values.fill == "context-fill" {
// values.fill=self.context_fill
// }
// if values.stroke == "context-stroke" {
// values.stroke=self.context_stroke
/// Helper trait to get different NodeData variants
pub trait NodeBorrow {
/// Returns `false` for NodeData::Text, `true` otherwise.
fn is_element(&self) -> bool;
/// Returns `true` for NodeData::Text, `false` otherwise.
fn is_chars(&self) -> bool;
/// Borrows a `Chars` reference.
/// Panics: will panic if `&self` is not a `NodeData::Text` node
fn borrow_chars(&self) -> Ref<'_, Chars>;
/// Borrows an `Element` reference
/// Panics: will panic if `&self` is not a `NodeData::Element` node
fn borrow_element(&self) -> Ref<'_, Element>;
/// Borrows an `Element` reference mutably
fn borrow_element_mut(&mut self) -> RefMut<'_, Element>;
/// Borrows an `ElementData` reference to the concrete element type.
fn borrow_element_data(&self) -> Ref<'_, ElementData>;
impl NodeBorrow for Node {
fn is_element(&self) -> bool {
matches!(*self.borrow(), NodeData::Element(_))
fn is_chars(&self) -> bool {
matches!(*self.borrow(), NodeData::Text(_))
fn borrow_chars(&self) -> Ref<'_, Chars> {
Ref::map(self.borrow(), |n| match n {
NodeData::Text(c) => &**c,
_ => panic!("tried to borrow_chars for a non-text node"),
fn borrow_element(&self) -> Ref<'_, Element> {
NodeData::Element(e) => &**e,
_ => panic!("tried to borrow_element for a non-element node"),
fn borrow_element_mut(&mut self) -> RefMut<'_, Element> {
RefMut::map(self.borrow_mut(), |n| match &mut *n {
NodeData::Element(e) => &mut **e,
_ => panic!("tried to borrow_element_mut for a non-element node"),
fn borrow_element_data(&self) -> Ref<'_, ElementData> {
NodeData::Element(e) => &e.element_data,
_ => panic!("tried to borrow_element_data for a non-element node"),
macro_rules! is_element_of_type {
($node:expr, $element_type:ident) => {
macro_rules! borrow_element_as {
std::cell::Ref::map($node.borrow_element_data(), |d| match d {
$crate::element::ElementData::$element_type(ref e) => &*e,
_ => panic!("tried to borrow_element_as {}", stringify!($element_type)),
/// Helper trait for cascading recursively
pub trait NodeCascade {
fn cascade(&mut self, values: &ComputedValues);
impl NodeCascade for Node {
fn cascade(&mut self, values: &ComputedValues) {
// We box this because ComputedValues is a big structure. Since this function is
// recursive, we want to minimize stack consumption during recursion.
// As of 2024/Oct/24, the unboxed versions uses 1792 bytes of stack between each
// recursive call to cascade(); with the boxed version it is just 8 bytes.
// We should probably change this to a non-recursive tree traversal at some point.
let mut values = Box::new(values.clone());
let mut elt = self.borrow_element_mut();
elt.get_specified_values().to_computed_values(&mut values);
for mut child in self.children().filter(|c| c.is_element()) {
/// Helper trait for drawing recursively.
/// This is a trait because [`Node`] is a type alias over [`rctree::Node`], not a concrete type.
pub trait NodeDraw {
fn draw(
acquired_nodes: &mut AcquiredNodes<'_>,
cascaded: &CascadedValues<'_>,
viewport: &Viewport,
draw_ctx: &mut DrawingCtx,
clipping: bool,
) -> Result<BoundingBox, InternalRenderingError>;
fn draw_children(
impl NodeDraw for Node {
) -> Result<BoundingBox, InternalRenderingError> {
match *self.borrow() {
rsvg_log!(draw_ctx.session(), "({}", e);
let res = match e.draw(self, acquired_nodes, cascaded, viewport, draw_ctx, clipping)
Ok(bbox) => Ok(bbox),
// "If a transform function causes the current transformation matrix of an
// object to be non-invertible, the object and its content do not get
// displayed."
Err(InternalRenderingError::InvalidTransform) => Ok(draw_ctx.empty_bbox()),
Err(InternalRenderingError::CircularReference(node)) => {
if node != *self {
return Ok(draw_ctx.empty_bbox());
} else {
return Err(InternalRenderingError::CircularReference(node));
Err(e) => Err(e),
rsvg_log!(draw_ctx.session(), ")");
_ => Ok(draw_ctx.empty_bbox()),
let mut bbox = draw_ctx.empty_bbox();
for child in self.children().filter(|c| c.is_element()) {
let child_bbox = draw_ctx.draw_node_from_stack(
&CascadedValues::clone_with_node(cascaded, &child),