94.38 %
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46.3 %
//! CSS color values.
use cssparser::{hsl_to_rgb, hwb_to_rgb, Color, ParseErrorKind, Parser, RGBA};
use crate::error::*;
use crate::parsers::Parse;
/// Turn a short-lived [`cssparser::ParseError`] into a long-lived [`ParseError`].
/// cssparser's error type has a lifetime equal to the string being parsed. We want
/// a long-lived error so we can store it away if needed. Basically, here we turn
/// a `&str` into a `String`.
fn map_color_parse_error(err: cssparser::ParseError<'_, ()>) -> ParseError<'_> {
let string_err = match err.kind {
ParseErrorKind::Basic(ref e) => format!("{}", e),
ParseErrorKind::Custom(()) => {
// In cssparser 0.31, the error type for Color::parse is defined like this:
// pub fn parse<'i>(input: &mut Parser<'i, '_>) -> Result<Color, ParseError<'i, ()>> {
// The ParseError<'i, ()> means that the ParseErrorKind::Custom(T) variant will have
// T be the () type.
// So, here we match for () inside the Custom variant. If cssparser
// changes its error API, this match will hopefully catch errors.
// Implementation detail: Color::parse() does not ever return Custom errors, only
// Basic ones. So the match for Basic above handles everything, and this one
// for () is a dummy case.
"could not parse color".to_string()
ParseError {
kind: ParseErrorKind::Custom(ValueErrorKind::Parse(string_err)),
location: err.location,
fn parse_plain_color<'i>(parser: &mut Parser<'i, '_>) -> Result<cssparser::Color, ParseError<'i>> {
let loc = parser.current_source_location();
let color = cssparser::Color::parse(parser).map_err(map_color_parse_error)?;
// Return only supported color types, and mark the others as errors.
match color {
Color::CurrentColor | Color::Rgba(_) | Color::Hsl(_) | Color::Hwb(_) => Ok(color),
_ => Err(ParseError {
kind: ParseErrorKind::Custom(ValueErrorKind::parse_error("unsupported color syntax")),
location: loc,
/// Parse a custom property name.
/// <>
fn parse_name(s: &str) -> Result<&str, ()> {
if s.starts_with("--") && s.len() > 2 {
} else {
fn parse_var_with_fallback<'i>(
parser: &mut Parser<'i, '_>,
) -> Result<cssparser::Color, ParseError<'i>> {
let name = parser.expect_ident_cloned()?;
// ignore the name for now; we'll use it later when we actually
// process the names of custom variables
let _name = parse_name(&name).map_err(|()| {
"unexpected identifier {}",
// FIXME: when fixing #459 (full support for var()), note that
// indicates that var(--a,) is
// a valid function, which means that the fallback value is an empty set of tokens.
// Also, see Servo's extra code to handle semicolons and stuff in toplevel rules.
// Also, tweak the tests tagged with "FIXME: var()" below.
impl Parse for cssparser::Color {
fn parse<'i>(parser: &mut Parser<'i, '_>) -> Result<cssparser::Color, ParseError<'i>> {
if let Ok(c) = parser.try_parse(|p| {
}) {
/// Normalizes `h` (a hue value in degrees) to be in the interval `[0.0, 1.0]`.
/// Rust-cssparser (the cssparser-color crate) provides
/// [`hsl_to_rgb()`], but it assumes that the hue is between 0 and 1.
/// `normalize_hue()` takes a value with respect to a scale of 0 to
/// 360 degrees and converts it to that different scale.
fn normalize_hue(h: f32) -> f32 {
h.rem_euclid(360.0) / 360.0
pub fn color_to_rgba(color: &Color) -> RGBA {
Color::Rgba(rgba) => *rgba,
Color::Hsl(hsl) => {
let hue = normalize_hue(hsl.hue.unwrap_or(0.0));
let (red, green, blue) = hsl_to_rgb(
RGBA::from_floats(Some(red), Some(green), Some(blue), hsl.alpha)
Color::Hwb(hwb) => {
let hue = normalize_hue(hwb.hue.unwrap_or(0.0));
let (red, green, blue) = hwb_to_rgb(
RGBA::from_floats(Some(red), Some(green), Some(blue), hwb.alpha)
_ => unimplemented!(),
mod tests {
use super::*;
fn parses_plain_color() {
Color::Rgba(RGBA::new(Some(0x11), Some(0x22), Some(0x33), Some(1.0)))
fn var_with_fallback_parses_as_color() {
Color::parse_str("var(--foo, #112233)").unwrap(),
Color::parse_str("var(--foo, rgb(100% 50% 25%)").unwrap(),
Color::Rgba(RGBA::new(Some(0xff), Some(0x80), Some(0x40), Some(1.0)))
// FIXME: var() - when fixing #459, see the note in the code above. All the syntaxes
// in this test function will become valid once we have full support for var().
fn var_without_fallback_yields_error() {
assert!(Color::parse_str("var(--foo, )").is_err());
assert!(Color::parse_str("var(--foo, this is not a color)").is_err());
assert!(Color::parse_str("var(--foo, #112233, blah)").is_err());
fn normalizes_hue() {
assert_eq!(normalize_hue(0.0), 0.0);
assert_eq!(normalize_hue(360.0), 0.0);
assert_eq!(normalize_hue(90.0), 0.25);
assert_eq!(normalize_hue(-90.0), 0.75);
assert_eq!(normalize_hue(450.0), 0.25); // 360 + 90 degrees
assert_eq!(normalize_hue(-450.0), 0.75);
// Bug #1117
fn large_hue_value() {
let _ = color_to_rgba(&Color::parse_str("hsla(70000000000000,4%,10%,.2)").unwrap());